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The Challenging ones

“There are challenges and when it gets tough, then the tough get going…. Guys like Major DP Singh set an example” said Master Blaster, Sachin Tendulkar at the launch event of 2017 New Delhi Marathon held on 26th February.

Loss of a limb did not deter Major DP Singh from doing something extraordinary in his life. He started “The Challenging Ones” in 2009 which is a pillar of strength for amputees. This group inspire and supports people like him to conquer their weakness and re-instills in them their lost confidence and fervor through sports, transforming them into a “CHALLENGER”.

Every disability brings with it, its own hurdles and several questions on how, not only to face, but overcome it. This groups answers all the queries related to different disabilities and makes it relatively easy for the amputees in coming to terms to their situation.

A challenger is a person who has transcended the arduous stage of facing his grievous reality. He is then capable enough to provide a support system to others and keeps them motivated in their life. Indulging them in sports and other physical activities helps them in trusting their abilities so that they can lead their lives without being dependent on others.

“I might be slow, but i keep my flow.I won’t stop, till i reach the TOP.”