The Major Story

Tapi Night Run at Surat

The success of Swachhability Run made the organisers invite Major DP Singh to inspire the people of Surat as well. This tapi night run was devoted to create awareness among the people to take initiatives in cleaning Tapi river and Surat city. It was Major first night run and he was equally enthusiastic about it.

The CM of Gujrat flagged off the tapi night run on 5th March, after honouring few runners and an amputee (TCO member) with a new Blade prosthesis. It included a 21.1 km and 10 km timed runs and 3 km non-timed run. The CM also announced Rs 900 crore as fund for clean Tapi project.

It was a well organised run under race director Dr Jain, a runner himself. The route was well supported with hydration and eateries. The roads were well lit with a lot of people cheering and having a great time. There was huge participation from the end of the city residents.

Major DP Singh felt privileged being a part of this run, as is clear from his words. When the cause is pure and close to my heart it became even cherishing for me.

The betterment of his nation , has always been Major DP Singh topmost priority. He never leaves an opportunity to prove his love and dedication for the country.
